Jumat, 05 November 2010

8 trik mempercepat pc

Posted by wahab 02.10, under | No comments

Most of you are using windows operating systems , but not all of you knows about the working of task manager .Its not just a simple window that gives you details about what programs are running , its definitely more than that .You can make your PC really fast , if you know some of the basic tricks of Task Manager . Let us first discuss something about task manager .

There are 3 ways to open Task Manager .First you can open it by right clicking the task bar  and selecting task manger , if you don’t see task manger there then you PC is infected with virus  . Secondly you can open it by pressing ctrl + shift +Esc . Thirdly you can launch task manager by pressing ctrl+Alt+delete  in your keyboard .

1 Browsing your Processes
The first thing you will see in your Task Manager  is the Application tab which tells you which applications are currently running , but it doesn’t reveals the actual thing . To know what’s actually running in your PC click the Processes tab and check “Show processes from all users” , which give you all the currently running processes.

2. Viewing Memory in use
With Task Manager you can view which processes are taking how much amount of memory  . This can be very useful to you if you are having less amount of memory . You can remove few unwanted processes by right  clicking the process name and selecting end task . This will free the memory used by that process , but be sure you don’t remove the system process , otherwise your PC may shutdown . Having some free available memory will make your PC work fast .
3. Diagnosing  disk thrashing
You would have noticed sometimes that your hard drive is continuously thrashing   even though there’s no-one at the PC . To find out why , Click the Task Manager Processes tab, then click View > Select Columns, and check I/O Read Bytes and I/O Write Bytes. Click OK. The new columns will show you the total amount of data read or written by a process, which applies to network activity as well as your hard drive. The busiest processes will have the largest figures, and if a process is active now then its totals will tick up as you watch.
4. Removing Running Process
If any of your process is taking a lot of memory or keeping your CPU busy unnecessary , then you can remove such running process without rebooting with task manager  , but if that process is important like system process or any other important process  , then killing the process may crash your system or cause some loss of data .  So we will first reduce the priority of that process .  Right-click your CPU-hogging process, select Set Priority > Low, and Windows should immediately give more CPU time to just about everything else on your PC. The program will still be running, it just shouldn’t interfere with other apps to the same degree, and they should be accessible again.
If there are still problems, right-click the process and select Set Affinity. This option lets you decide which CPU cores a process can use. If you clear one of these then that core will become available to other applications, which should significantly improve their performance.
5. Restarting Explorer.
Sometimes your taskbar and desktop may disappear , in this case you can take the help of task manager press Ctrl+Shift+Esc and press the Processes tab to check for yourself. If Explorer.exe isn’t listed then click File > New Task, type Explorer.exe and click OK to restart it , your desktop and task bar should come back.

6 Finding System Resources .
Launching Task Manager and clicking the Performance tab will reveal the total amount of RAM installed in your PC (check the Total in the Physical Memory box).
7 Monitoring Network utilization
Click the Task Manager Networking tab and you’ll see a graph that tracks your current network use over time. This can be useful if you’ve a network-hogging process that fires on a regular basis, for instance, as you should see a spike on the chart.
8 CPU Utilization
Launch Task Manager, and click the Performance tab to see a graph of your CPU Usage History: . Click View and select Show Kernel Times (so it’s checked). What you’ll now see is two graph lines: one green, representing total CPU utilisation, and one red, representing the time consumed by the kernel. When the green peaks are high, red peaks low then the culprit is a user mode process, probably just a regular application. But if the red peaks are consistently high then that shows your CPU time is being grabbed by something in the kernel, probably a driver, but perhaps also a Windows component, maybe even some deeply embedded malware.
Task Manger is a useful tool .There are some other freely available tools which are similar to task mangers , but provides you with some more facilities . Process Explorer is the best known alternative for task manager another one available is  Process Hacker

belajar visual basic 6.0 pemula

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Membuat Folder Rahasia Memakai Notepad

Posted by wahab 02.04, under | No comments

kali ini saya akan menerangkan tentang cara membuat folder rahasia dengan hanya menggunakan notepad.

1.Misalkan saya mempunyai folder bernama "Gallery" dan dalam folder ini terdapat file2 penting

2.Kemudian Buka notepad ada pada menu accessories,atau anda dapat membukanya dengan mengetik pada Run(WIN+R)=>notepad

3.Kemudian ketik perintah berikut ini

@echo off

ren Gallery Gallery.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

4.Kemudian simpan file tersebut pada direktori "Gallery" tersebut dengan extensi *.bat, misalkan saya namakan Ngunci.bat, maka pada File Name:"Ngunci.bat" dan pada Save as type:"All Files".

Nah ketika kita mengklik "Ngunci.bat" Maka folder "Gallery" icon-nya akan berubah menjadi "My-Computer" dan ketika mengkliknya akan menuju ke "My-Computer"

Perintah diatas adalah perintah sederhana yaitu hanya merename Folder "Gallery" menjadi Gallery.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D},nah inti utama dari tutorial ini adalah pada "{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}" itu dikenali dalam regedit ke My-Computer.

Anda dapat mengubahnya menjadi ke yang lain berikut daftar-Nya:

1.My-computer : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
2.Control panel : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

3.Printers and telecopiers : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
4.Fonts : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
5.Scanners and Cameras : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
6.Network Neighbourhood : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
7.Administration Tools : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
8.Tasks Scheduler : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
9.Web Folders : {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
10.My Documents : {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}
11.Recycle Bin : {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
12.Network Favorites : {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
13.Default Navigator : {871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}
14.Computer search results folder : {1F4DE370-D627-11D1-BA4F-00A0C91EEDBA}
15.Network Search Results computer : {E17D4FC0-5564-11D1-83F2-00A0C90DC849}

Nah untuk mengembalikan folder berikut perintahnya:

@echo off

ren Gallery.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} Gallery

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Posted by wahab 21.58, under | 4 comments

Keyword Fitur RUN di Windows
Jika masih penasaran dengan kegunaan fitur Run yang terdapat pada menu Start Windows, berikut adalah penjelasannya. Klik Start lalu klik Run lalu ketik perintah-perintah berikut ini untuk berkarya:

-appwiz.cpl – Menjalankan aplikasi Add/Remove Programs.
-Calc – Menampilkan kalkulator.
-Cfgwiz32 – Mengatur konfigurasi ISDN.
-Charmap – Menampilkan pola karakter.
-Chkdisk – Memperbaiki file-file yang rusak.
-Cleanmgr – Membersihkan hard disk.

-Clipbrd – Mengakses Clipboard.
-Cmd – Membuka layar akses perintah baru.
-Control mouse – Mengatur penggunaan mouse.
-Control – Menampilkan Control Panel.
-Dcomcnfg – Memeriksa status DCOM (data component).
-Debug – Menjalankan bahasa pemrograman.
-Defrag – Menjalankan utilitas defragment.
-Drwatson -- Menampilkan data program yang bermasalah.
-Dxdiag – Utilitas diagnosa DirectX.
-Explorer – Menjalankan Windows Explorer.
-Fontview – Menampilkan grafis font.
-Fsmgmt.msc – Membuka folder yang di-share.
-Firewall.cpl -- Mengatur konfigurasi firewall
-Ftp – ftp.exe program
-Hostname – Mengembalikan nama komputer yang ali.
-Hdwwiz.cpl – Menjalankan pengaturan Add Hardware
-Ipconfig – Menampilkan konfigurasi IP untuk setiap modul jaringan.
-Logoff – Untuk menonaktifkan komputer.
-MMC --Microsoft Management Console
-Msconfig – Mengubah file-file startup.
-Mstsc – Mengakses desktop komputer lain pada LAN.
-Mrc – Menjalankan software penghapusan program.
-Msinfo32 – Menampilkan informasi sistem komputer.
-Nbtstat – Menampilkan statistik dan koneksivitas melalui NetBIOS dari TCP/IP.
-Netstat – Menampilkan koneksi jaringan yang aktif.
-Nslookup – Memasuki DNS server lokal.
-Osk – Menampilkan keyboard virtual pada layar monitor.
-Perfmon.msc – Mengkonfigurasi performa monitor.
-Ping – Mengirimkan data ke alamat IP tertentu.
-Powercfg.cpl – Mengkonfigurasi sumber daya.
-Regedit – Memodifikasi sistem.
-Regwiz – Menjalankan pengaturan sistem otomatis.
-Sfc /scannow – Pemeriksa file sistem.
-Sndrec32 – Menjalankan perekam suara.
-Shutdown – Mematikan komputer.
-Spider – Menjalankan game spider solitaire.
-Sfc / scannow – Menjalankan utilitas scan file sistem.
-Sndvol32 – Mengatur volume suara.
-Sysedit – Mengatur file startup pada sistem.
-Taskmgr – Membuka Task Manager
-Telephon.cpl -- Mengkonfigurasi modem.
-Telnet – Menjalankan program Telnet.
-Tracert – Menelusuri dan menampilkan kanal untuk akses internet.
-Winchat – Menjalankan program Microsoft chat.
-Wmplayer – Menjalankan program Windows Media Player.
-Wab – Membuka daftar kontak Windows.
-WinWord – Menjalankan MS Word.
-Winipcfg – Menampilkan konfigurasi IP.
-Winver – Menampilkan versi Windows.
-Wupdmgr – Mengakses MS Windows Update
-Write – Menjalankan WordPad

kumpulan song lirik 8ball sleepless in mind
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hacking tutorial

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

cara memproteksi pencurian dataDari komputer anda

Posted by wahab 08.02, under | No comments

Terkadang jika file kt di ambil orang yg menggunakan komputer kita,kt merasa jengkel,bwaannya pengen ngancurin barang,satu hari nge aniaya 1 org msh kurang..

He..he..ga getoh2 amat kale..

nah langkah yg harus kt lakukan adalah..

1.Masuklah ke jendela registry editor dgn cara,
Pilih menu start,pilih run,dan ketikan regedit,lalu klik OK.

2.Pd jendela registry pilih HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,lalu pilih system,current controlset,dan klik kanan,new dan buat dengan nama "storagedevicepolice" (tanpa spasi dan tanda petik)

3.Buat dword baru,dgn cara,
Klik kanan subkey,kemudian isi dalam keynya dgn nama "storagedevicepolicies"(tanpa spasi dan tanda petik)

4.Selanjutnya pilih menu konteks new dword value

5.beri nama dword value dengan nama "writeprotect"(tanpa spasi dan tanda petik)dan buat nilai valuenya dgn nilai 1

6.refresh komputer,

nb:untuk menonaktifkan ubah nilai valuenya dgn angka 0

Silakan mencoba

cara mendapatkan apa saja dari google

Posted by wahab 06.50, under | 3 comments

kadang saat kita mencari sesuatu artikel,maupun file dari mbah google,kt di jengkelkan :-S dgn postingan blog yg ga berguna,..

Nah untuk itu agar sesuatu yg kt cari langsung terpampang saat kt search,anda dapat menggunakan sebuah tool yg bisa anda unduh dgn gratis..
Yaitu "googlehack" dgn tool tersebut anda bisa lbh cepat mendapatkan file yg anda cari,

Bisa juga untuk video hot jug :-D,he..he..

Silakan mencoba..

hacking tutorial
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Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

cara membuat tampilan windows xp menjadi seperti windows 7

Posted by wahab 05.56, under | No comments

gimana ya agar windows xp saya menjadi seperti tampilan windosw 7???

caranya ampang koq..
dengan software "VIGLANCE" ini,maka tampilanwindows anda berubah..
software ini dapat di download secara cuma-cuma.

langkah untuk merubah tampilan windows xp anda:
1.install VIGLANCE maka akan muncul shortcunya